DottedSign vs. HelloSign | Alternative to Switch

DottedSign - The HelloSign Alternative for Electronic Signatures On the Go

See why professionals have switched to DottedSign from HelloSign and enjoy greater workplace mobility.

free trial
No credit card required
Legally-binding e-signature
Import documents
Supports Dropbox, email and scanning in the app
Supports Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Kdan Cloud, email, photo, and scanning in the app
Basic signing fields
Digital Audit trail
Get signatures remotely
mobile app and web
Document expiry date
mobile app and web
Auto reminders
mobile app and web
Access documents across all platforms
Track real-time task progress with the visual progress bar
Personal activity history in a glance
Check current tasks' status
mobile app and web
Authentication for signers’ identities
mobile app and web
Search tool
mobile app and web
Custom message
mobile app and web
Personalized stamp
In-person signing
single signer
multiple signers
App lock
Guest signing
Push notification for real-time task status
Seamless user experience across all platforms

Why Switch from HelloSign to DottedSign?

Different Signing Modes Cover All Your Needs

Self Signing
In-Person Signing
Guest Signing
Remote Signing
In-Person Signing

Bring The Smartest Assistant Everywhere You Go

Keep every task on schedule, even if you are out of office - whether you’re commuting or on a trip. Check on documents that are completed or waiting for you (or others) to sign. Search tasks in seconds without exploring piles of paperwork or lengthy emails chains. Make full use of your time in the palm of your hand.


Your Business Deals, Closed on Site

Being responsible for sales, legal, or rental contracts carries a sense of urgency. Let your clients sign on your mobile device face-to-face, with a finger or a stylus, in a way that they're used to while keeping your process secure and digital.


Listen to the Stories...

Carlos Wang, Founder of Slasify

"As a person travelling frequently, DottedSign makes it easy to track all my documents in real-time on my iPhone. It helps me get tasks done when pressed for time."

Join the professionals who have chosen an easier, more relaxing way of moving your business forward.