eSignatures Lead CHIMEI Corporation Towards Sustainable Digital Transformation
Many companies need help with digitalization or integrating new processes into their workflow, often encountering challenges with low internal adoption rates. CHIMEI Corporation, a world-leading performance materials company, has been on a digitalization journey for some time but the endpoint of its operations still relies on paper-based signatures. By introducing DottedSign, they effectively integrated electronic signatures (eSignature) into their existing workflows, leading to a significant boost in their internal user adoption rate.
We invited Denis Chen (Chen), Vice President of CHIMEI, and Erwin Lin (Lin), General Manager of Kdan Mobile, to share their experiences implementing DottedSign’s eSignature solution and how it has helped CHIMEI on its path towards successful digital transformation and sustainable operations.

1. Why implementing an eSignature solution was an important step in CHIMEI’s digitalization and sustainability journey
Chen: The integration of eSignature into CHIMEI’s existing workflows has not only streamlined processes but also significantly enhanced security, efficiency, and environmental consciousness. By fully embracing the concept of “online” replacing “on-site” operations, companies can achieve even more significant benefits.
CHIMEI moved beyond the idea that eSignatures just reduces paper costs and seal usage. Instead, we considered that a well-structured eSignature system can create a more secure, sustainable environment and offer significant long-term value. We continue to promote process development and optimization, using various digital tools to enhance the company’s overall focus on information security and facilitate upgrades.
2. How CHIMEI found the right eSignature solution for their business needs
CHIMEI, before adopting DottedSign, conducted a thorough evaluation of internal eSignature needs, identifying the necessity for eSignatures in finance and legal matters, where traceability is crucial. Prioritizing seamless integration and minimal disruption, CHIMEI explored various international eSignature providers, ultimately selecting DottedSign by Kdan Mobile as the perfect fit. DottedSign provides globally trusted Adobe AATL digital signing certificates, providing us with the utmost transaction security. Furthermore, it stands out with its intuitive user interface.
DottedSign, adopted by over 4,000 enterprises, demonstrated expertise in system integration, technical feasibility, legal compliance, and on-site service. Mr. Lin emphasized DottedSign’s adherence to ISO 27001 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards and AWS Well-Architected certification, ensuring a secure digital signing process for all users.

3. How implementing DottedSign’s eSignature solution enhanced CHIMEI’s company efficiency and overall security
DottedSign has enhanced CHIMEI’s legal, sales and finance department operations by streamlining the online signing process. The legal department has experienced a drastic reduction in document retrieval time, from up to 6 months to just days, significantly improving overall efficiency. In the sales department, contract signing with international partners has been expedited, reducing the timeline from 15 days or a personal visit to just one day. Additionally, the finance department has streamlined signing processes with DottedSign’s digital certificates, requiring only two clicks, enhancing transaction security, and eliminating manual sealing and the associated risk of document tampering.
From a company-wide perspective, reducing time and personnel involvement in document exchanges has significantly increased information security.

CHIMEI Corporation’s Digital Transformation Journey
Q1: How far along has CHIMEI come in its digital transformation efforts, considering its decade-long push towards this initiative?
“Many external signing processes were still paper-based until we implemented eSignatures in 2022.”
Chen: Around 2010, CHIMEI began its digitalization journey. The ERP system underwent significant updates, leading to more efficient transaction processes and database management. As CHIMEI gradually moved forward in its digital transformation journey, some tasks could be handled directly online, allowing our teams to focus on more meaningful activities.
In the past, our IT department used to handle basic programming tasks. However, with the emergence of robotics, these tasks can now be automated, which allows IT to focus more on cybersecurity protection.
Along our journey, we realized that while the early stages of the process had been digitized, the endpoint, which was signing documents, still relied on paper. Despite the overall reduction in paper usage, many external signing processes were still paper-based until we implemented eSignatures in 2022.
Choosing and Implementing DottedSign eSignature Solution
Q2: How did CHIMEI decide to choose DottedSign?
“DottedSign provides globally trusted Adobe AATL digital signing certificates, providing us with the utmost transaction security. Furthermore, it stands out with its intuitive user interface.”
Chen: Before CHIMEI adopted DottedSign, we clarified internal scenarios and requirements for eSignatures. eSignatures were not needed for relatively simple internal approvals, such as employment certifications. They were, however, essential in finance and legal matters, such as contracts and official document submissions, where traceability and irrefutability are crucial.
After assessing various international eSignature providers, we found that DottedSign, a service developed by Kdan Mobile, was a perfect fit. DottedSign provides globally trusted Adobe AATL digital signing certificates, providing us with the utmost transaction security. Furthermore, it stands out with its intuitive user interface. Its office is also in Tainan, Taiwan, like the CHIMEI headquarters, reducing many carbon emissions related to technical support.
Over 4,200 enterprises have adopted DottedSign, indicating its extensive experience in system integration. In terms of technical feasibility, legal compliance, and on-site service, DottedSign excelled in all aspects. Considering these factors, CHIMEI decided to partner with Kdan Mobile.
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- Simplified signature processes
- Automate your deal progress
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Contact UsQ3: How did CHIMEI implement eSignatures?
Chen: We insist on seamless integration with our existing systems to avoid disruptions and minimize training costs when adopting new digital solutions. In this case, with DottedSign, after the contract review process is completed, the system automatically triggers the signing system, and the signing is completed seamlessly.
Lin: Kdan Mobile assisted CHIMEI in integrating eSignatures into their existing systems while maintaining a user-friendly and familiar workflow. We interviewed various CHIMEI departments to explore potential scenarios and their specific requirements. This approach ensured the signing experience was tailored to each CHIMEI user.
DottedSign is secure and efficient. It meets ISO 27001 international standards and has AWS Well-Architected certification. We conduct regular security checks such as vulnerability scanning, source code scanning, and black/white-box testing. In addition, DottedSign is committed to ensuring the highest privacy and security standards for our users’ personal data; we adhere to GDPR privacy regulations by securing all customer data, providing data access controls that require consent for data usage, and allowing users the right to request erasure of personal information. All our customers can rely on a secure digital signing process.

The Benefits of Adopting DottedSign at CHIMEI
Q4: What benefits has CHIMEI experienced using DottedSign ?
“In the past, it would take up to 6 months to retrieve fully signed contracts, but now the legal department can receive signed documents within days.”
Chen: DottedSign has streamlined the legal department’s online signing process at CHIMEI and reduced document retrieval time. In the past, it would take up to 6 months to retrieve fully signed contracts, but now the legal department can receive signed documents within days. This is a more efficient process than the traditional way of sealing, handling, and manually archiving contracts.
DottedSign has significantly improved contract signing for the sales department with international partners. What used to take 15 days or a personal visit can now be done
within a day. Additionally, the finance department has benefited from DottedSign’s digital certificates, requiring only two clicks for signing instead of physical seals. This enhances transaction security, prevents document tampering, and eliminates manual sealing.
After launching the eSignature system, CHIMEI organized two training sessions led by the DottedSign team. The first session focused on CHIMEI’s internal staff, while the second involved external partners and suppliers. CHIMEI had over 1,000 attendees for both sessions and received positive feedback from the participants, demonstrating the significant benefits of digital tools for CHIMEI’s team efficiency.
Why eSignature Plays an Important Role in Digitalization and Sustainability
Q5: How has CHIMEI moved towards sustainability?
Chen: eSignatures represent the last mile of CHIMEI’s digitalization journey. The introduction of digital tools has dramatically improved our efficiency. From a company-wide perspective, reducing time and personnel involvement in document exchanges has significantly increased information security.
In the past, traditional methods of sealing documents were considered secure, but carrying physical documents posed a high risk of information leakage. Even sealed records could not guarantee absolute security. From an operational standpoint, eSignatures offer significant long-term value. Companies should move away from traditional methods and realize that security does not require physical paper, red ink, or the tactile feel of writing.
Sustainability is a relatively new concept for domestic companies in Taiwan, and there is concern about needing more responses or low internal participation. However, CHIMEI is willing to lead by implementing various sustainable initiatives to inspire its supply chain partners to understand and respond to this issue together.

Q6: Why should companies adopt eSignature solutions?
Chen: CHIMEI moved beyond the idea that eSignatures just reduces paper costs and seal usage. Instead, we considered that a well-structured eSignature system can create a more secure, sustainable environment and offer significant long-term value. We continue to promote process development and optimization, using various digital tools to enhance the company’s overall focus on information security and facilitate upgrades.
By fully embracing the concept of “online” replacing “on-site” operations, companies can achieve even more significant benefits.
Embrace Sustainable Digital Transformation: Unlock Your Business Potential with DottedSign Today!
The collaboration between CHIMEI Corporation and Kdan Mobile through DottedSign has exemplified a successful journey towards digital transformation and sustainability. The integration of eSignature into CHIMEI’s existing workflows has not only streamlined processes but also significantly enhanced security, efficiency, and environmental consciousness.
Try DottedSign for secure, streamlined digital signatures. Contact us to begin your digital transformation journey!
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